Inventors Helping Inventors

The invention journey can be challenging and lonely. 
When you join our membership group you'll gain access to top-tier inventors -  trusted resources - tools, tips and tactics. We'll support each other - with the goal that our ideas become wildly successful consumer products!  

We've created a unique inventors' membership group. You're invited to join us now. 

The Inventors Helping Inventors membership group is a place to meet other inventors, connect with trusted resources, and learn from today's most successful inventors.

If you haven't met me, my name is Alan Beckley - inventor of the  Wonder Wallet - and the host of the Inventors Helping Inventors weekly podcast. 
Inventing is one of the loneliest professions. Most professions have solid foundations, backed by college degrees, workplace training, professional associations, and more.

None of that exists for inventors - we must 'make it up as we go along' - our training comes the school of trial and error. No wonder less than 5% of inventors profit from their inventions.

But there is good news for inventors - we do have two powerful sources of support, training and inspiration:

✔️ Other inventors
✔️ Trusted Resource Members to help and guide us

That's precisely why I created the Inventors Helping Inventors podcast in 2019 - to provide support, training, and inspiration for thousands of inventors around the world.

In the podcast - I've learned success secrets from over 250 successful inventors worldwide. Now I'm leveraging their expertise to help inventors - through the Inventors Helping Inventors Membership Group (IHI MG).

Now is your chance - to join other mighty inventors - in the IHI MG. 
By joining the group now as a Founding member - you will:

✔️ Lock in the lowest rate to be offered - $35/month
✔️ Collaborate with inventors just like you
✔️ Meet fascinating top-tier inventors 
✔️ Who share their tips, and tricks with our members every month 

Let's look at what you'll get for only $35/month!

Inventing is a journey - our membership group is structured the same way.

Each month in 2024 the group is dedicated to a theme or topic - aligned with the inventor's journey. 

JAN: How do I legally set up my invention business?
What form should my business take: LLC, S Corp., etc.?

FEB: How do I know if my product is already out there? Part 1
Doing a comprehensive, extensive product search early on

MAR: How do I know if my product is already out there? Part 2
Doing an effective patent search before proceeding

APR: Proof of concept. How do I create a working prototype?
Converting your idea into a product - with a working prototype

MAY: Wisely investing capital when working with partners.
Prudent tips when working with prototypers, patent attorneys, etc.

JUN: Can you manufacture AND license your invention?
Hybrid approaches to commercializing your invention

JUL: Am I ready to build a business around my product?
Venturing logistics: manufacturing, shipping, warehousing and more

AUG: Is licensing the right path to market for my product?
How to prepare and present your product for licensing

SEP: QVC/HSN, Kickstarter - and other paths to market
How to assess the benefits, risks, rewards of various paths to market

OCT: How do I position my product for success in the market?
Considering customers' perspectives - and alternative products

NOV: I’m not a marketer. How do I pitch my product so they’ll ‘get it’?
Creating a concise, compelling, 30-second pitch for your invention

DEC: How do I find and approach companies to license my invention?
Building a list of target marketing prospects, then start marketing 

Every month in the membership, we will have 2 scheduled events for our members:

1. A successful inventor from the podcast - as our featured guest

2. Office hours & inventors showcase - where I answer your Q & As 

Each month, we'll feature a successful inventor as our guest in a live, interactive Zoom meeting. 

Our guests will share their stories, successes, and challenges with our members.  

There will be time at the end for Q&As. The meeting will be recorded - so you can watch it later in case you missed it live. 

Also, Alan will host a live, interactive Q & A 'Office Hours' meeting each month - where you can ask him about anything you need help with.  Additionally, we have IHI MG members who showcase during this time with other inventors in the group.

The Q & A - Office Hours meeting will be recorded - so you can watch it later in case you missed it live. 

As a member, you'll get access to a curated list of trusted resources including:

-- Patent attorneys
-- Designers - who can help with prototyping, 3D printing, etc.
-- Consultants who have years of experience assisting inventors
-- And more...

Members will have access to two resource lists:

1. Contact information for each member in the group*

2. Contact information for our resource members

Let's recap everything you will be getting in the membership group.

IHI Membership Group Resources

The Inventors Helping Inventors membership group
 contains all of the following elements:

✔️ Monthly themes to guide discussion
Aligned with the inventor's journey
✔️ Monthly meetings with successful inventors
Learn success secrets - from the best in the business

✔️ Monthly Q & A 'office hours' with Alan
Get help with your greatest challenges

✔️ Access to a list of trusted resources for inventors
Membership gives you access to many resources

✔️ Access to a list of other members in the group
Share with and learn from the experiences of other inventors

Have a burning question? Here’s what others asked.

  I've tried other membership groups. What makes this one better?

Our membership group name - Inventors Helping Inventors - says it all.

We are committed to providing a uniquely valuable resource for inventors that will grow in value - month by month. Having access to other inventors and trusted resources is very valuable. 

Now you're not alone in the journey anymore!

  How will I make sure my IP will be safe - no one will steal my idea?

We will work to safeguard the IP of all members in two ways:

✔️ We urge members never to share anything that makes them uncomfortable.

✔️ We show inventors how to describe only benefits so no IP is disclosed.

This approach is - patent attorney approved - and has been used successfully in 15 monthly Inventors Bootcamps

  This sounds great, but what if it doesn't work for me?

No problem! You remain a member only as long as you see benefit. 

You can leave at any time. You can always email me at 
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